Quieter than silence
My good friend Todd Garfinkle of MA Recordings sent this to me. Just gorgeous music, but for some reason I can’t find the embed code on YouTube so I’m relegated to posting a simple link.
Click it and enjoy!
My good friend Todd Garfinkle of MA Recordings sent this to me. Just gorgeous music, but for some reason I can’t find the embed code on YouTube so I’m relegated to posting a simple link.
Click it and enjoy!
The late Chris Sommovigo, creator and inventor of Black Cat Cable, would personally build each cable to order to ensure high production standards and extremely high quality audio cables for his customers.
The legacy lives on and the unmistakable touch of the inventor’s hand now lies with his wife Mayu Sommovigo who produces each cable to order with the same high level of craftsmanship.
Diving Into The Music My friend Andre and I often send links to new music back and forth with one another, which is a fun way of finding new stuff. I'd say most of the things he sends to me are really great finds, very enjoyable, and almost always link back to...
Sunken Cathedral I had recently recommended the album, Sunken Cathedral, to a friend. The one I was referring to isn't streaming - it's an LP by Jackson Berkey and it's stupendous, I own two copies. They're cheap as chips. So if you have a record player, I encourage...
Tony Rice, R.I.P. As if 2020 hadn't hurt the world enough, on Christmas Day we lost another Olympian of music. From Ricky Scaggs: “Sometime during Christmas morning while making his coffee, our dear friend and guitar hero Tony Rice passed from this life and made his...