Black Cat Cable – Graceline Level 1 “Kibou” series cables Review by Terry London Read full review: I have had a long history, dating back to 2019, using full looms of Black Cat cables in my systems. The first loom of Black Cat cables that were used in my different...
The Black Cat Cable Graceline L1 Interconnects & Speaker Cables: Evolution to Transformation – Fair Hedon
The Black Cat Cable Graceline L1 Interconnects & Speaker Cables: Evolution to Transformation. Review by Fairhedon Read Full Review: Chris Sommovigo has exceptional taste. In everything. Some would even say esoteric. That covers high performance audio playback...
Audio Ramblings and the Matrix Cables from Black Cat Cable – Dave Clark
Audio Ramblings and the Matrix Cables from Black Cat Cable 04-22-2019 | By Dave Clark | Issue 103 See the review here Okay, so let's cut to the chase, the Black Cat Matrix line of cables (specifically the 3202 interconnects, 3232 speaker cables, and the DIGIT USB) are...
Black Cat 3200 Series Interconnect, Speaker & Digital Cable
Black Cat 3200 Series Interconnect, Speaker & Digital Cable - My system became a sonic time machine. March 2019 | By Tom Lyle See the review here [Image: Black Cat 3200 Series Interconnect, Speaker & Digital Cable Review] Black Cat Chris Sommovigo has been...
In Conversation: Chris Sommovigo of Black Cat Cable – Fair Hedon
In Conversation: Chris Sommovigo of Black Cat Cable September 5th, 2017 Review by Fairhedon Read Full Review: In the first of our series “In Conversation“, we are fortunate enough to feature Chris Sommovigo, legendary cable designer, free thinker, and artisan....
The Missing Link: the Stereolab Digit 75 SPDIF
The Missing Link: the Stereolab Digit 75 SPDIF 8 October 2016 | By Lee Scoggins See the full review here Digit 75 There is a huge smile on my face. After several years of rebuilding my system so I can get that elusive musicality and resolution, I have found the final...
Black Cat Cable – Graceline Level 1 “Kibou” series cables
Black Cat Cable – Graceline Level 1 “Kibou” series cables Review by Terry London Read full review: I have had a long history, dating back to 2019, using full looms of Black Cat cables in my systems. The first loom of Black Cat cables that were used in my different...
The Black Cat Cable Graceline L1 Interconnects & Speaker Cables: Evolution to Transformation – Fair Hedon
The Black Cat Cable Graceline L1 Interconnects & Speaker Cables: Evolution to Transformation. Review by Fairhedon Read Full Review: Chris Sommovigo has exceptional taste. In everything. Some would even say esoteric. That covers high performance audio playback...
Graceline Series
Graceline Series by Black Cat Cable. Graceline was a Passion Project of Chris Sommovigo. A way to express certain ideas he had about cable construction, music, materials, processes, and the personal touch of an artist's hand. Graceline is about effortlessly flowing...
Graceline Level 3 ‘Mezame’
Level 3 "Mezame" has a delicate structure combining a triaxial arrangement of open-braided, matrixed wire-tubes separated by layers of insulation, in a termination arrangement that keeps capacitance fundamentally low and velocity reasonably high (due to the air...
Graceline Level 2 ‘Setsuna’
Level 2 "Setsuna" cables have a delicate structure combining a triaxial arrangement of open-braided, matrixed wire-tubes separated by layers of insulation, in a termination arrangement that keeps capacitance fundamentally low and velocity reasonably high (due to the...
Graceline Level 0 ‘Mu’
In the Zen world there is a concept called Mu, a word suggesting nothingness, nonbeing. It is also a reference to the first in a series of famous riddles in a collection of koans entitled The Gateless Gate. Meant to help the student navigate their way through the...
From The Archive
Diving Into The Music
Diving Into The Music My friend Andre and I often send links to new music back and forth with one another, which is a fun way of finding new stuff. I'd say most of the things he sends to me are really great finds, very enjoyable, and almost always link back to...
Sunken Cathedral
Sunken Cathedral I had recently recommended the album, Sunken Cathedral, to a friend. The one I was referring to isn't streaming - it's an LP by Jackson Berkey and it's stupendous, I own two copies. They're cheap as chips. So if you have a record player, I encourage...
Tony Rice, R.I.P.
Tony Rice, R.I.P. As if 2020 hadn't hurt the world enough, on Christmas Day we lost another Olympian of music. From Ricky Scaggs: “Sometime during Christmas morning while making his coffee, our dear friend and guitar hero Tony Rice passed from this life and made his...
Last and First Men
Last and First Men My friend Rowland Griffin sent me a heads-up about this soundtrack, which accompanies a film by the name, "LAST AND FIRST MEN". I have not (yet) seen the film, but can testify to the moving power of the music. Symphonic music in the modern world is...
Yes, THAT Nick Cave
Yes, THAT Nick Cave So much to say about this, and yet so much remains ineffable. First, this is a brand-new release (Dec. 4, 2020). Nicholas Lens invited Nick Cave to write the libretto to this "chamber opera" that Nick Cave described as "twelve lyrical pieces that...
Anachronic Serendipity. Happy accident. One day while fingering through records at a local shop I happened upon one of the Anachronic Jazz Band records and decided to buy it. Brought it home, played it, fell instantly in love. These gifted musicians rearrange classic...